First, printing design Manuscript is originally had the original pad printing screen printing processing object, pad printing, screen printing process in according to the original, is directly related to be copied for pad printing screen printing, printing quality reduction effect and the artistic effect of target.Pad printing screen printing processing industry of the original manuscript, generally divided into design manuscript substrates effect of manuscript, and photography, packaging effect, and so on.
Second, the plate is pad printing steel version and web version
Plate is a kind of more complex a a kind of which would involve the issue of printing design, by substrates to print pattern for reference of the graph film.Plate for a different pad printing and screen printing, positive or negative to beg, depth for a few kinds big.Need to have relevant industry professional consciousness, making the industry don't understand is hard to meet the requirement for pad printing process and screen printing processing, can travel in a kind of a lot of unnecessary trouble.
Three, the choice of ink
The kinds of printing ink is very vexed, more general ink into the metal printing ink, plastic, ink and UV ink, and so on, there are more than ten kinds of light can points, in this small make up not name one by one, each segment and there are a lot of problem, such as plastic material can be subdivided into ABS, PVC, PP, PE and so on, several different plastic material is very difficult to do this with the same type of ink to use efficiency, it is not reasonable, because of different materials The detection requirements for printing is different also, so in the choice of ink time must try oil.
Fourth, substrates
This as long as it is produced by a factor of problem, in this, there is no longer necessary quivering.
Fifth, printing equipment
Pad printing in screen printing processing according to the size of the substrates, the size of the printing area or is not the same as the material, printing effect and the proportion of output requirements can choose different printing equipment, there are certain knowledge, more information please continue to pay attention to our website: